Perforated Bowel – Frequently Asked Questions
Perforated (or ruptured) bowels unfortunately happen all too frequently in a healthcare environment, many of which are the direct result of medical negligence. If this has happened to you, you will undoubtedly be wondering why it happened, and what you can do about it. To help you understand the situation you are in, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions:
What Is A Perforated Bowel?
A perforated bowel is when a hole or gap appears in the wall of the stomach, small intestine or large intestine. When this happens, food or faeces will pass through the opening and into the abdomen. This will cause a number of extremely serious health complications, such as sepsis (infection of the blood) and peritonitis (infection of the abdomen). If not treated quickly, a perforated bowel can quickly lead to death, and is therefore considered to be a medical emergency.
Why Might I Suffer A Perforated Bowel?
There are various reasons someone may sustain a perforated bowel, the most common of which include:-
Health Problems
Those suffering from bowel conditions will be much more prone to sustaining a perforated bowel. In particular, Crohn's disease and diverticulitis can increase the risk, as both conditions are associated with inflammation of the bowel. This in turn can cause intestinal blockage and subsequent perforation.
A perforated bowel can also be caused by injuries. This may be traumatic or crushing injuries, caused by something such as a car crash. Or it may be a penetrative injury, caused by something such a puncture wound during surgery or a colonoscopy.
Does A Perforated Bowel Amount To Medical Negligence?
A perforated bowel does not always lead to a medical negligence claim. However, there are occasions when the pain and suffering caused by a perforated bowel is the fault of medical professionals. More often than not, this will be for one of two reasons:-
1. Misdiagnosis
If a patient presents with symptoms of a perforated bowel, but medical professionals fail to make a timely diagnosis, then they have not displayed a competent level of skill. In the event of a misdiagnosis, it is likely a patient will develop serious health complications, causing further pain and suffering.
2. Puncture wound
If a patient sustains a puncture wound during the course of medical treatment (usually during surgery) and this is not recognised and repaired at the time, then a surgeon has failed to provide an appropriate standard of care.
Can I Claim Compensation?
If you think you have suffered a perforated bowel as a result of medical negligence, you need to speak to a legal expert. A solicitor who specialises in the area of law will be able to assess your case using their professional knowledge before suggesting whether or not you have a case. However, if it can be proven that your medical team were responsible for you injuries, you will be able to make a medical negligence claim. Should this be successful, you will receive a sum of compensation. This will cover the pain and suffering you have endured, as well as recover the financial damages you have incurred because of your injuries.
Can We Help You With A Medical Negligence Enquiry?
Early legal assistance can be vital so please contact us if you would like to discuss your situation. Please call us free on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.
Can We Help You With A Medical Negligence Enquiry?
Early legal assistance can be vital so please contact us if you would like to discuss your situation. Please call us free on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.
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