Necrotising Fasciitis Treatment
Early treatment of necrotising fasciitis is vital if a patient is going to avoid serious complications and permanent deformity.
To make a free, no obligation enquiry about Necrotising Fasciitis or any hospital superbug, please call us free on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete a Quick Enquiry online now.
Why must necrotising fasciitis be treated quickly?
Necrotising fasciitis is a bacterial infection that causes the tissue to become necrotic (meaning it dies). This happens because when the bacteria enter the body they will begin to reproduce. As they do so, they release a poisonous toxin which attacks the tissue and underlying fascia, causing it to die.
Once the tissue has become necrotic, it cannot be saved. Furthermore, the bacteria will multiply extremely quickly, meaning the infection will spread at an alarming rate, causing more tissue to become infected and die. This will lead to devastating consequences, as the individual in question will soon develop a large open wound. If the condition is not treated this wound will continue to grow, resulting in a significant disfigurement.
Other complications may also ensue, as the body may not be able to cope with the effects of necrosis, potentially leading to organ failure. It is also possible that the infection spreads to the blood, a dangerous condition called septicaemia. Both organ failure and sepsis can be fatal.
Treating necrotising fasciitis
It is therefore vital that necrotising fasciitis is treated before too much skin becomes necrotic. As soon as the condition is suspected, a patient should be started on intravenous antibiotics, as this will help to kill the bacteria.
Once a diagnosis has been confirmed, urgent surgery should be performed to remove all the tissue that has already become necrotic. This is known as debridement surgery and is the only way to fully treat necrotising fasciitis. Without it, the bacteria will remain in the body and will continue to cause an infection. Thus it is essential that all the infected tissue is debrided –something which may take several operations.
After surgery a patient must be closely monitored. Having a large area of tissue removed will cause the body to go into shock, so a patient will probably be sent to the intensive care unit. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be required to help the wound to heal. If there is a large defect, a plastic surgeon may be consulted as skin grafts may be necessary.
Delay in necrotising fasciitis treatment
If medical professionals fail to diagnose and treat necrotising fasciitis before the condition progresses to the advanced stages, there could be grounds for a medical negligence claim. This is because doctors will have provided a substandard level of care, causing a patient unnecessary suffering.
If this is something that has happened to you, you should speak to a solicitor who specialises in medical negligence claims today.
Need Advice About Necrotising Fasciitis?
If you believe that you or a member of your family have been infected, please contact us for early legal advice. All initial enquiries are completely free of charge.
Please call us free on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.