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Medical Negligence

Negligent Healthcare and When to Make a Claim

Negligent Healthcare and When to Make a ClaimThe NHS across England is an enormous organisation, offering an extraordinary array of services, assessments, procedures, treatments and prescriptions. Occasionally, things go wrong and, if the patient suffers a poor long-term outcome as a result, they are entitled to make a claim for compensation.

The impact of negligent healthcare

Depending on the nature of the negligence, the impact on the patient can vary enormously. Unfortunately, negligence can occur in any and every aspect of healthcare. It may an error in diagnosis, in prescription, in nursing care, in surgery, in the timing of a referral or the interpretation and reporting of test results. It may be a myriad of other events.

The consequences may be mild or they may be life-changing. A patient may suffer a loss of vision or hearing, they may suffer a loss of mobility or continence. They may suffer bowel damage or brain damage. They may struggle with cognitive problems or psychiatric issues, all as a result of their negligent healthcare.

The long-term impact can, therefore, vary wildly also. At worst, the patient may struggle to work, to drive, to navigate around their own home or to carry out normal household and personal hygiene tasks. They may become reliant on personal care.

When to make a claim

In order to make a claim for compensation for negligent healthcare, it must be found both that there has, in fact, been an act of negligence, and that it has caused the patient to suffer a worse outcome than would have been the case with an appropriate level of care.

If both these things are true and the patient is suffering significant issues as a result, they may be entitled to make a claim.

As well as addressing the patient's pain and suffering, a successful claim will incorporate financial losses experienced by the patient such as a loss of income if the patient is unable to work and the costs of care and equipment if the patient's condition requires this.

Speak to a legal specialist

If you think you may be entitled to make a claim, speak to a specialist solicitor at the earliest possible moment. These claims are associated with a three-year deadline and the solicitor will need to carry out a thorough investigation into your medical care before this date.

Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with extensive expertise in a team of experienced lawyers.

Contact us to talk to a solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim.

Please call us free on 0800 234 3300 or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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