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Medical Negligence

Hearing Damage and Compensation for Negligent Medical Care

Hearing Damage and Compensation for Negligent Medical CareSudden loss of hearing can completely alter an individual's way of life. If this debilitating outcome is the product of negligent medical care, it may be possible to make a claim for compensation.

The right to compensation

If a person's health and well-being is compromised by negligent medical care, they are legally entitled to claim compensation for the consequences.

In the case of hearing loss, the impact on a person's life can be dramatic. For example, they may no longer be able to work or may need to change their form of employment and suffer a significant loss of income as a result.

Many aspects of their daily life may need to change and they may be faced with the associated financial costs.

A successful claim for compensation would take account of these financial losses insofar as they have been caused by negligent medical care.

Medical negligence and hearing loss

Hearing loss may result as a consequence of a variety of failings such as the following:

  • A delay in diagnosis
  • An error in surgery
  • An inappropriate prescription or administration of medication such as the antibiotic Gentamicin

Making a claim for compensation

If you think that you or a loved one may have been the victim of negligent medical care, resulting in significant hearing loss, you should speak with a legal specialist who will be able to investigate the quality of your medical care.

They will have access to the best medical experts who will analyse your medical records and, should it be found that you have indeed been the victim of negligence, they will have the experience to make a meticulous assessment of the impact of the negligence on your long-term health and quality of life.

Legal time deadline

It is vital to bear in mind that compensation claims for medical negligence are associated with a three-year deadline from the date of the alleged negligence.

Your specialist solicitor will need plenty of time before that deadline in which to carry out their investigations. So, don't delay before seeking legal advice.

Specialist solicitors

Glynns Solicitors is a specialist medical negligence legal practice with a long-standing history of success in high-value claims.

With a team of experienced solicitors, we are ideally placed to support you through this complex process and to negotiate the best settlement on your behalf.

Contact us today to talk to a solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim.

Please call us free on 0800 234 3300 or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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