Claiming Compensation for a Fistula Following Surgery
A fistula can cause a variety of unpleasant and debilitating symptoms. If this has been the result of medical negligence, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
A fistula is an abnormal passage or hole between two parts of the anatomy which would not normally be connected in this way. An accidental fistula may be the result of trauma to the body or an error during abdominal or colorectal surgery.
Rectovaginal fistula
A rectovaginal fistula occurs between the rectum and the vagina. This may be due to trauma during childbirth or an error during bowel surgery. It may be the result of a pre-existing condition such as cancer. A rectovaginal fistula can allow wind and faeces to escape from the vagina instead of the anus. The vagina is not designed to cope with such an occurrence and so the leakage is uncontrolled.
An anal fistula
An anal fistula is a passage which develops between the anus and the skin, allowing wind and faeces to leak from the body. It may the result of an abscess or an inflammatory bowel condition such as diverticulitis.
Vesicovaginal fistula
A vesicovaginal fistula occurs between the bladder and the vagina or uterus, allowing urine to leak from the vagina.
Impact of a fistula
Not only might the presence of a fistula mean that the patient subsequently has to undergo further surgical procedures to try to rectify the problem, it will inevitably cause wide-ranging problems for the person affected. There is no certainty that a fistula will be effectively repaired and the patient may suffer symptoms permanently.
Losing the ability to control the passing of wind, urine or faeces can affect almost every aspect of life. From the type of employment it might be suitable to undertake, to the impact on travelling and socialising, and the everyday needs of hygiene and health, a fistula can feel like the entire focus of a person's life.
The psychological impact can be severe, too, affecting an individual's self-confidence and personal relationships.
Medical negligence
A fistula may occur through the unavoidable effects of illness. However, it is also sometimes the product of substandard medical care.
A failure to diagnose a severe birth tear can mean that the new mother develops a fistula, which may not have happened had she received a prompt diagnosis of her injury and effective surgery shortly after the birth of her child.
Surgery to investigate or treat bowel disorders as well as gynaecological surgery can also put the patient at risk of a fistula due to an accident during surgery.
Claiming compensation
If a patient suffers a fistula due to a medical error, the relevant medical professional may be regarded as having been negligent.
If the patient subsequently suffers a significant on-going impact, it might be appropriate to make a claim for the damage caused and the financial losses caused by the error.
Legal advice
If you or a loved one are struggling with the life-changing effects of a fistula due to medical failings, contact us here at Glynns today. We are a specialist medical negligence legal practice and one of our team of experienced solicitors will be very happy to discuss your situation with you.
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