Staff at some NHS hospital trusts consider the standard of care to be so poor that they would warn loved ones to seek treatment elsewhere.

The NHS survey asked employees whether they would recommend treatment at the hospital in which they worked.

The results have prompted the Care Quality Commission to flag nine trusts as being at risk, with almost half of staff saying they would warn loved ones not to have treatment there.

The worst performer was the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, where just 50.4% of staff would recommend treatment to family and friends.

The other eight trusts which also scored poorly are as follows:

  • North Cumbria University Hospitals Trust – 53.37%
  • Mid Yorkshire Hospitals – 54.41%
  • East Sussex Healthcare – 56.46%
  • Wirral University Hospital – 57.32%
  • United Lincolnshire Hospitals – 57.40%
  • Colchester Hospital – 57.59%
  • Heart of England – 57.77%
  • East Kent Hospitals – 58.01%

Poor hospital care

If you or your loved one has suffered as a result of substandard hospital care, please get in touch with our team at Glynns Solicitors. We will advise whether there is a case of medical negligence.

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