Asbestos Compensation Claims
If you or a member of your family are suffering from an asbestos related disease, you may be looking for more information about the nature of the disease, and also details of whether you can make a claim for compensation, and if so how. This section explores all forms of asbestos related diseases and how to make a claim for compensation.
The Types Of Asbestos Related Diseases
The main types of asbestos related disease:
- » Asbestosis
- Lung Cancer
- » Mesothelioma
- Pleural Plaques
- Pleural Thickening
Asbestosis is a severe form of scarring of the lungs, caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos. Symptoms include extreme shortness of breath. Sufferers are at an increased risk of developing lung cancer.
Lung Cancer
If you have been heavily exposed to asbestos dust during your working life, you are at an increased risk of developing lung cancer. To succeed in a claim for asbestos compensation as a result of developing lung cancer you will need to show that either you were exposed to large amounts of asbestos dust, or that you already have asbestosis.
Mesothelioma is a cancer that can form in the outer lining of lungs, the peritoneum, the heart, the pericardium or the tunica vaginalis (part of the testes).
For more information see our Mesothelioma Claims section.
Pleural Plaques
Pleural plaques victims have no physical symptoms but the existence of pleural plaques indicates that one of the other asbestos diseases may arise at a later time. Anyone with pleural plaques cannot now make a claim for compensation following a ruling in the House of Lords recently. However, the courts have expressed their interest in looking at this decision again, so if you have pleural plaques you should contact us so that we can record your potential claim in case of any changes to the law.
Pleural Thickening
The pleura is a lining that encompasses the lungs. When it is healthy it is well lubricated and expands and shrinks with the lungs as you breathe in and out. However, exposure to asbestos dust causes the pleura to thicken which makes it harder for the lungs to expand and contract. This can lead to shortness of breath and pain.
Places Of Work
Asbestos is the biggest cause of work related deaths in the UK, and usually affects those who work in heavy industries. These included miners, those working in docks and shipyards and mechanics servicing large goods vehicles with asbestos brakes. However, spouses of workers in these industries have also been affected by washing their clothes.
Our Expertise In Work Related Disease Claims
We have a vast amount of experience in work related disease claims, from asbestosis to mesothelioma and pleural thickening. Our free enquiry means you will not have to pay to find out whether you can make a claim.
Our Costs
All initial enquiries are completely free of charge and without obligation. When we speak with you we will explain all of the funding options available for you, including No Win No Fee.
Would You Like Assistance With An Asbestos Related Claim?
Whichever of the asbestos related diseases you are suffering from, we can provide you with our expert opinion on your claim, the likely level of compensation, and advise you on the claims process.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 or complete our online enquiry form.
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