£55,000 For Whiplash Injury - £4,800
Karina was stationary at a red traffic light when another vehicle drove into the back of her, causing her to suffer a series of on-going health problems.
On the evening of 7 February 2007, Karina was driving her usual route home from work. She was employed by Airbus Industries as a Contracts Manager and would use the A4174 ring-road to get back to her house. On this particular afternoon she had reached the Carsons Road roundabout, but had to stop at a red traffic light. She was waiting for the lights to change when she looked in her rear view mirror and, much to her alarm, saw a car coming up behind her at a rapid pace. She realised it was travelling too fast and would not be able to break in time. Knowing that it was going to hit her, she took off the hand break and held onto the steering wheel.
As Karina had predicted, the car suddenly slammed into the back of her Volkswagen Polo, forcing her car to move a whole fifteen metres forwards into the oncoming traffic of the roundabout. She immediately experienced a sharp pain in her right thumb, and had to fight to free her right foot and ankle which had become stuck between the accelerator and brake pedals. In a state of shock, Karina sat in her car until an off-duty ambulance came to her assistance. Fortuitously the paramedics and seen the accident happen and were able to care for Karina until another ambulance arrived.
After being assessed at the scene, Karina swapped details with the other driver and rang her partner for a lift home. Feeling shaken she went straight to bed, but unfortunately this did nothing to alleviate her symptoms. The following morning she was feeling very emotional and had also developed a pain in her right shoulder along with a tingling sensation in her arms and fingertips. Her condition deteriorated over the next few days, and in addition to her other symptoms also suffered a pain in her lower back and right hip, intense headaches and dizziness.
Now in a significant amount of pain, Karina decided to consult her GP. He told her she had suffered a whiplash type injury and concussion and it would take time for the symptoms to resolve. After being signed off work for one week Karina returned to her job, but found it difficult due to the amount of pain she was experiencing. This is something she continues to struggle with to this day, even though five years have now passed since her accident. Her concentration and memory have been adversely affected, sitting in front of a computer quickly gives her a migraine, and the international travel she must undertake as part of her job causes her increased pain.
As a direct result of her accident Karina has had to undergo endless amounts of medical treatment, including physiotherapy, therapeutic massage, hypnotherapy, chiropractic treatment, ankle surgery, nerve root block injections and retinal damage repair. Her long-lasting physical complaints have also had a negative impact on her psychological stage. Due to her permanent discomfort and reduced mobility, she has become very depressed, necessitating several sessions with a counsellor. She was also unable to carry out any of her domestic chores, meaning she had to rely heavily on her parents and her partner – something which put enormous strain on their relationship.
While things have improved slightly, she remains unable to take part in a number of her hobbies, including hiking, shopping and yoga. This has been all the more difficult to bear as Karina knows she sustained her injuries through no fault of her own. She was the innocent victim of a road traffic collision for which someone else was responsible. That's why we advised Karina that she should make a whiplash claim, as it was her legal right to obtain financial redress. We helped Karina pursue that claim, and she was awarded £55,000 compensation.
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