Necrotising Fasciitis: Can I Claim Compensation for Lost Limb?
Losing a limb can be life-changing, impacting on an individual's ability to work, to travel, to socialise, to bring up a family and to function on a day-to-day basis. If poor medical care has been at fault, it might be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
Necrotising fasciitis infection
Necrotising fasciitis tends to affect three main areas of the body - the abdomen, the perineum and the limbs. If the infection has affected the limbs, either legs or arms, it is possible that the patient may need to have a limb amputated in order to halt its continued spread. The speed with which this horrific soft-tissue infection spreads is so fast that such a shocking decision may have to be made within days of diagnosis.
Once the causative bacteria have reached the interior of the body, all the infected tissue begins to decay. The integrity of the patient's bodily tissue, muscles and major organs can be at risk. In a short space of time, the patient's life can also be at risk. This horrific infection is associated with a very high mortality rate and extreme urgency is required in order to give the patient the very best chance of survival and long-term physical and mental health.
Medical management of necrotising fasciitis
If a patient attends their medical professional with possible signs and symptoms of a necrotising fasciitis infection, it is imperative that action is taken without delay. A misdiagnosis or a failure to consider the possibility of a soft-tissue infection may lead to the outcome described above.
Once necrotising fasciitis is suspected or confirmed as a diagnosis of the patient's symptoms, treatment needs to be initiated as promptly as possible. The patient will require antibiotics and surgical debridement or removal or all infected tissue.
A delay at this stage will almost certainly cause a deterioration in the patient's outcome, requiring more extensive debridement and tissue loss. It will increase the risk that the patient will need to lose a limb.
Making a compensation claim
If you or a loved one are suffering the shocking impact of losing a limb due to necrotising fasciitis infection, you may wish to consider seeking legal advice. If medical delays are responsible for your poor outcome, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation for your pain, suffering and the financial losses caused by the negligence.
Glynns Solicitors is a specialist medical negligence legal practice with significant expertise in necrotising fasciitis claims. Contact us today to talk to one of our team of experienced solicitors.
Please call us free on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.