How Do I Make a Claim for Fournier's Gangrene Negligence?
If you or a loved one are suffering from the shocking long-term impact of fournier's gangrene due to negligent medical care, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation. This can address the financial problems which have been caused by your substandard care.
What is Fournier's Gangrene Negligence?
Fournier's gangrene is a shocking and life-threatening infection. It is a form of necrotising fasciitis which affects the perineal and genital area. It occurs mostly in men but can also occur in women.
This virulent infection causes tissue decay and spreads rapidly through the body from its starting point. As well as pain, scarring and tissue loss, its physical impact can cause sexual dysfunction. If the infection spreads it is at risk of causing significant bowel problems and may even trigger sepsis, a life-threatening immune system response.
Consequently, fournier's gangrene requires rapid medical diagnosis and treatment.
Early symptoms might include redness, swelling and intense pain in the region of a wound to the skin which has allowed bacteria to reach the deep, soft tissue.
Faced with such symptoms, it is essential that medical professionals consider the possibility that the patient is developing fournier's gangrene. Every hour of delay may affect their long-term outcome.
A misdiagnosis, a failure to consider this appalling infection or a failure to make a timely referral for further investigation maybe considered as negligence medical care.
Making a Claim
It is important to remember that the law imposes strict time limits when making a claim for compensation for medical negligence. A potential Claimant in a medical negligence claim has three years from the date of the matters complained of which amount to negligence to commence Court proceedings.
In some circumstances, this ‘limitation date' can be delayed if there is evidence that the claimant was not aware that they were the victim of negligence until a later date. This is unusual, however, and it is best to seek legal advice promptly if you think you have suffered from substandard medical care.
It is also advisable to get the support of medical negligence legal specialist. Compensation claims for medical negligence are extremely complex and expert advice is vital to ensure the best outcome.
Medical negligence specialists
Glynns Solicitors is a team of medical negligence compensation experts. We have considerable expertise in necrotising fasciitis claims and one of our team will be very happy to discuss your situation and advise the best way forward.
Please call us free on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.