Fournier's Gangrene: Medical Emergency and Medical Negligence
If you or a loved one are struggling with the horrific impact of fournier's gangrene due to delays in diagnosis and treatment, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
Fournier's gangrene and medical emergency
Fournier's gangrene, a specific form of necrotising fasciitis associated with the perineal and genital area, is a horrific condition where infection causes the decay and death of the tissue it infects. As with necrotising fasciitis, a delay in diagnosis and treatment can prove fatal as the infection spreads rapidly through the body, threatening the vital organs. Where the patient survives, medical delays are, nonetheless, likely to result in greater disability and trauma, both physical and psychological.
A high suspicion of this condition is essential. It is fairly rare and the symptoms may not be clear, which can result in a misdiagnosis and failure to refer for immediate further investigation. Time is of the essence where this terrible infection is concerned as the infection can spread at an alarming date and threaten the life of the patient within days.
Treatment delays and the on-going impact
The symptoms which might suggest that a patient is developing fournier's gangrene would include infection-like symptoms such as a high temperature and rapid breathing alongside localised signs such as redness, swelling and intense pain in the perineal and genital area.
A patient with fournier's gangrene may suffer permanent genital, bowel and abdominal problems if their condition does not receive prompt and appropriate medical care. A colostomy may be necessary to provide bowel function and the individual's sexual function may be compromised or lost. Their confidence and their emotional and physical ability to work may be reduced.
Thorough and timely debridement of all infected tissue is vital to the patient's long-term health and, possibly, their survival. This needs to be initiated at the earliest possible moment in order to limit the spread of the infection and its associated damage.
Medical negligence and compensation claims
If delays in diagnosis and treatment have led to a patient suffering a worse long-term outcome than would have been the case with more timely medical care, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
A patient who has suffered medical negligence is entitled to be restored to the financial situation they would have experienced if the negligence had not occurred.
Speak to a solicitor
If you or a loved one are struggling with the long-term impact of fournier's gangrene due to substandard medical care, contact Glynns Solicitors, specialists in medical negligence compensation, to talk to one of our team of experienced lawyers.
Please call us free on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.