Compensation for Lower Limb Amputation due to Necrotising Fasciitis
The lower limbs are a common location for the development of a necrotising fasciitis infection. This fast-moving infection can destroy the tissue of the leg, leaving the patient facing an amputation of their limb unless prompt medical management halts the spread of infection before this drastic measure becomes necessary.
A deadly infection
Necrotising fasciitis is a highly destructive infection, usually found in the limbs, abdomen or perineal area between the legs. It requires prompt and skilled medical intervention to try to give the patient the best possible outcome.
Unfortunately, the infection moves at such a pace that, if either diagnosis or treatment are delayed, the patient is likely to suffer a poor outcome.
The infection can spread by the hour and a delay of a couple of days could even prove fatal.
Destructive surgical treatment
Surgical treatment is absolutely essential if the patient is to have a hope of survival. All the infected tissue needs to be removed from the patient's body. As necrotising fasciitis is so fast-moving, this can mean a significant portion of tissue has to be removed and this may require several surgical procedures before the infection is successfully removed.
At a minimum, the patient will be left with scarring and may require cosmetic surgery to try to resolve this issue. More likely, the patient may suffer an element of deformity and some degree of disability depending on the location and the severity of their infection.
As an extreme response and in order to prevent a worse long-term outcome, a decision to remove a lower limb or, indeed, part of an upper limb, may be taken.
A timely medical intervention
Such an outcome is bound to have a significant impact on the patient's quality of life, their ability to remain independent and their ability to work and earn an income.
Surgical intervention is, therefore, crucial at the earliest possible stage of infection. This can minimise the area of tissue which needs to be removed, or debrided, and the number of surgical procedures the patient will have to undergo.
Effectively, the sooner diagnosis and treatment are achieved, the better the patient's outcome is likely to be. Equally, the later diagnosis is achieved, the worse a patient's outcome is likely to be.
Claiming compensation for a lost limb
If you or a loved one are struggling with the impact of an amputation due to delays in treating your necrotising fasciitis infection, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
If poor-quality medical care has caused you to suffer financial losses, such as loss of income, or costs of home or personal support, a successful compensation claim can help you to deal with these problems.
Legal advice
Glynns Solicitors is a specialist medical negligence legal practice. Contact us today to talk to an experienced lawyer about the suitability of making a claim for compensation.
Please call us free on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.