Compensation for Late Debridement of Necrotising Fasciitis
The timing and proficiency of debridement in treating necrotising fasciitis is key to the patient's long-term quality of life. Late initiation of treatment may justify a claim for compensation.
Debridement and necrotising fasciitis
Debridement (the surgical removal of tissue to resolve infection) is vital when a patient is suffering with necrotising fasciitis. This swift-spreading infection needs to be removed entirely from the patient's body or it will continue to spread causing tissue decay and, ultimately, the death of the patient.
The sooner this process commences, the better the patient's long-term outcome is likely to be. If there is a delay in starting surgery, the bacteria causing the infection will have time to spread.
Consequently, once debridement does start, it is likely that a greater portion of the patient's soft tissue will need to be removed.
The impact from this can be devastating:
- The patient will need to remain for a longer time both in hospital and in intensive care
- The patient's body will be subjected to more trauma and stress due to the increased demands of surgery
- The patient will suffer more scarring, deformity and disability
- There is an increased chance that the patient will require amputation of a limb
- The recovery period is likely to be extended
- The psychological impact is likely to be greater.
Likewise, as more tissue is infected and the patient's body and fundament life-support functions come under greater pressure, the more likely the patient is to die.
A delay in initiating debridement can, therefore, be utterly devastating.
Medical negligence
Necrotising fasciitis is a medical emergency. Once this shocking diagnosis is made, or even suspected, the early commencement of surgical debridement is essential.
If surgery for necrotising fasciitis is delayed due to substandard care on the part of the relevant medical professionals, they may be regarded as having acted negligently.
If the patient suffers a poor, long-term outcome as a result of such negligence, it might be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
Speak to a solicitor
If you or a loved one are struggling with the effects of necrotising fasciitis due to poor medical care, contact Glynns Solicitors today.
Glynns is a specialist medical negligence legal practice and one of our team of experienced solicitors will be very happy to discuss your situation with you.
Please call us free on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.