Compensating Delayed Surgery For Necrotising Fasciitis
A delay in commencing surgery for this appalling and life-threatening infection may justify a claim for compensation.
Why is debridement an emergency in necrotising fasciitis?
The term 'debridement' refers to the removal of tissue from the body. In relation to a necrotising fasciitis infection, this destructive surgical procedure becomes a matter of emergency for three very important reasons:
- 1) This infection can spread rapidly through the body's connective tissue, meaning that other areas can become infected by the same destructive bacteria within hours
- 2) A necrotising fasciitis infection causes the tissue which it infects to decay and die, compromising the patient's long-term health and, in many cases, putting the patient at risk of dying from the impact of the infection
- 3) The longer debridement is delayed and the more the infection has spread, the greater the extent of tissue that will need to be removed, resulting in greater deformity and scarring and requiring more extensive restorative surgery and a longer time in intensive care
Initiating debridement surgery
However, for debridement surgery to be triggered, it is necessary that health professionals recognise or, at least, suspect that a patient is developing this appalling infection.
A misdiagnosis or a reluctance to refer a patient for further investigation will lead to a delay that could prove to be either fatal or life-changing.
Symptoms which might suggest that a patient is developing necrotising fasciitis could include the following:
- Intense pain in the region of a cut, surgical incision or injury to the skin such as an abscess which could allow bacteria to access the deep soft tissue
- Redness or discolouration of the skin
- Tenderness and swelling in the same region
- Symptoms indicative of infection such as fever or chills
Claiming compensation
If a patient suffers a poor long-term outcome due to negligent medical care, they are, by law, entitled to claim compensation for the impact which would not have occurred had they experienced an acceptable level of care. For example, if negligent care has left a necrotising fasciitis patient unable to work, a successful compensation claim would take account of the financial losses suffered by the patient.
However, compensation claims for necrotising fasciitis can be extremely complex and require the skills of a specialist solicitor.
Legal specialists
Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice. If you or a loved one are struggling with the impact of necrotising fasciitis due to delayed medical treatment, contact us to talk to a specialist lawyer about the possibility of making a claim.
Please call us free on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.