Bowel Function Compromised by Necrotising Fasciitis Negligence
Necrotising fasciitis of the perineum or around the anus and buttocks needs prompt diagnosis and treatment in order to maintain the integrity of the bowel. A delay may risk the patient's bowel function and may justify a claim for compensation.
How does necrotising fasciitis threaten bowel function?
Necrotising fasciitis is a potentially-lethal, soft-tissue infection which destroys the tissue it infects. This means that the longer diagnosis is delayed, the more tissue is affected and the greater the extent of damage to the patient's body. This deadly infection often occurs in the abdominal or genital and perineal region. An abscess in the buttock or perineum, for example, can allow the development of this appalling infection.
The only way to stop the spread of infection is to surgically remove all infected tissue, however extensive. If the infection has originated in the buttocks or perineum, severe surgical debridement may cause damage to the integrity of the bowel and this may necessitate the formation of a colostomy in order to provide bowel function.
Medical negligence
Consequently, early recognition that the patient may be developing necrotising fasciitis and prompt surgical debridement of all infected tissue provides the patient with the best chance of survival, retention of bowel control and long-term quality of life.
Conversely, a delay in diagnosis and treatment will inevitably leave the patient to suffer a poor long-term outcome. At best, necrotising fasciitis patients suffer scarring caused by the need to remove infected tissue. At worst, they may suffer the loss of a limb, the need for a colostomy, significant deformity or death.
The long-term trauma of necrotising fasciitis cannot be overstated. The need to undergo savage tissue debridement, the need for intensive care support and the psychological impact of this appalling infection is devastating. Patients who suffer loss of a limb or loss of bowel function may find that their lives are affected in a wide variety of ways, including their ability to work and earn a living.
Where medical negligence has contributed to the patient's poor long-term outcome, a successful compensation claim can help to provide recompense for these effects.
Speak to legal specialist
Necrotising fasciitis compensation claims can be complex and require the support of a specialist medical negligence lawyer.
If you or a loved one are struggling with the shocking impact of necrotising fasciitis due to delays in diagnosis and treatment, contact Glynns Solicitors, specialists in medical negligence compensation. One of our team of experienced solicitors will be very happy to talk to you.
Please call us free on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.