Why Did I Get Cauda Equina Syndrome?
Cauda equina syndrome is a neurological condition that can lead to serious, long-term disabilities. If you have developed this devastating condition, you will understandably want to know why.
How do you get cauda equina syndrome?
Cauda equina syndrome happens when something compresses and injures the cauda equina nerves in the lower back. So for the condition to arise, the nerves have to come under some form of pressure. This can occur in a number of ways, including:
- A slipped disc in the lower back
- A spinal tumour
- Ankylosing spondylitis – a type of arthritis
- An abscess or lesion in the spinal canal
- Traumatic incidents that injure the lower back – such as road traffic collisions
- Spinal stenosis
- Spinal defects
What happens is that the nerves are placed under pressure by one of the causes listed above. The nerves are fragile and the pressure will injure them. When they are injured the nerves will not function properly. Problems will then arise in the areas of the body served by the nerves, such as the bladder, rectum, genitals and perineum.
Can anyone get cauda equina syndrome?
Theoretically anyone can get cauda equina syndrome. It is very unusual in children and it more likely to affect adults between the ages of 20 and 50. There are also some factors that increase the risk of cauda equina syndrome, such as:
- Heavy lifting, especially those who do it on a regular basis – e.g. for work or sport
- Weak spine – e.g. a degenerative spine
- Chronic conditions that can narrow the spinal canal – e.g. ankylosing spondylitis
Why did I get cauda equina syndrome?
If you have been unfortunate enough to suffer this terrible condition, it is likely that you developed cauda equina syndrome as a result of one of the causes listed above.
It can feel like a very unfair condition because it can strike people who were otherwise young, fit and healthy. In such cases it is likely that a large slipped disc is to blame. If so, there may have been underlying weakness in the spine that the patient was completely unaware of. This might have occurred due to a previous traumatic incident, or it may simply be due to the ageing process which causes the spine to become weaker.
Cauda equina negligence
Your situation will be particularly unfair if medical errors exacerbated your injuries. Cauda equina syndrome needs to be diagnosed and treated quickly. If there were delays in performing treatment because of medical errors, you could be the victim of medical negligence. This would entitle you to pursue a claim for compensation. Contact us for more information.
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