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Cauda Equina

When to Sue the NHS for Negligent Cauda Equina Care

When to Sue the NHS for Negligent Cauda Equina CareCauda equina syndrome is an outcome of cauda equina nerve compression and can cause an array of disabling lower body symptoms. If negligent medical care has influenced the patient's poor outcome, it may be possible to make a claim for compensation.

Cauda equina syndrome disability

Cauda equina syndrome is a highly complex condition, both in terms of its development and the extent and ways in which it can affect the patient. The pathway of medical management needs to be followed in a competent and timely manner to ensure the best possible outcome and avoid a lifetime of disability.

If medical care is incompetent, in error or delayed, the patient may suffer a combination of debilitating symptoms which can undermine their quality of life and capacity to function independently.

Complete cauda equina syndrome is associated with loss of mobility, loss of bowel and bladder sensation and control and loss of sexual function.

Medical negligence

Recognition of symptoms or suspicion of symptoms and a timely response are crucial to the best patient outcome.

Any delay in the diagnosis of this debilitating condition can allow time for the patient's nerve compression to increase and their long-term outlook to worsen.

Examples of negligent medical care could include the following:

  • A failure to examine the patient leading to a misdiagnosis
  • A failure to recognise the possible symptoms of cauda equina compression leading to a delay in making a referral for an MRI scan
  • A failure to provide red flag advice when it would normally be regarded as necessary
  • A failure to make a referral or timely referral for an MRI scan
  • A delay in commencing or arranging surgery

Whether an act of negligence occurs at the GP practice or in an Accident and Emergency setting, the patient may be able to make a claim for the impact of the symptoms insofar as they have been caused by negligent care.

Speak to a legal specialist

Compensation claims for cauda equina syndrome are extremely complex and the associated financial losses can be both wide ranging and significant.

If you or a loved one are struggling with this appalling condition due to negligent medical care, contact Glynns Solicitors. Specialists in medical negligence law, we offer a wealth of experience in high-value cauda equina claims.

Contact us today to talk to a solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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