What Is Cauda Equina Syndrome with Neurogenic Bladder Negligence?
If substandard medical care of cauda equina syndrome has left you with a dysfunctional bladder, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
Neurogenic bladder in cauda equina syndrome
The term neurogenic bladder in relation to cauda equina syndrome indicates the impact that this appalling, life-changing condition is having on the body.
A neurogenic bladder describes the situation where a loss of nerve function has resulted in a loss of bladder function. In relation to cauda equina syndrome, this function loss may present as altered urinary experience such as having to strain or a poor flow. It may also present as loss of the sensation of needing to urinate resulting in what is described as 'painless retention of urine' and bladder incontinence.
Bladder symptoms are an important feature of cauda equina syndrome.
Cauda equina syndrome can cause bladder dysfunction because the cauda equina nerves at the base of the spine are responsible, among other functions, for passing messages of sensation and movement between the bladder and the brain. If the cauda equina nerves become compressed, their ability to carry out this essential function can be compromised, causing lower body function losses to the patient.
It is generally regarded as essential, where possible, to diagnose and treat cauda equina syndrome before bladder function is lost. Once this point has been reached, surgery to decompress the nerves may be less successful than if it were carried out at an earlier stage.
Medical negligence and cauda equina syndrome
A failure by medical professionals to diagnose and treat this appalling condition as promptly as possible may, therefore, be regarded as negligent.
Cauda equina syndrome is also associated with a range of other distressing and debilitating symptoms including mobility losses and bowel incontinence. If delays in medical care are thought to be responsible for the patient suffering these symptoms when this would not have been the case with earlier diagnosis and treatment, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
A successful compensation claim will take account not only of the patient's pain and suffering, but also of their financial losses associated with the negligence, such as a reduced income if the patient is restricted in their ability to work.
Speak to the specialists
Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with extensive expertise in cauda equina syndrome claims. Contact us today if you or a loved one are struggling with the impact of this shocking condition due to substandard medical care.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.