Urinary Symptoms Missed in Cauda Equina Syndrome Diagnosis
Urinary symptoms are a key element of cauda equina syndrome and a failure to recognise their significance may leave a patient facing a lifetime of disability.
Urinary symptoms in CES
A patient who is developing cauda equina syndrome is likely to be suffering from significant chronic back pain and possible sciatica in one or both legs.
Urinary symptoms are often the sign that the patient is developing cauda equina syndrome. These symptoms may present in a variety of forms:
- They may be losing awareness of needing to urinate
- They may be having to strain to empty the bladder
- They may be experiencing a poor flow
Other symptoms of cauda equina syndrome
Another symptoms of loss of cuda equina function is what is referred to as 'saddle anaesthesia', referring to the area between the legs and around the buttocks.
A patient may find that they are experiencing altered sensation in the genitals or the perineum.
They may realise that they are no longer aware of sensing when they wipe themselves after defecating. They have lost sensation around the anus and buttocks.
Timing of surgery and urinary symptoms
Urinary symptoms are often used as an indicator of the urgency of surgery and the likely chance of recovery.
It is generally felt that once a patient is in painless retention of urine, they have developed complete cauda equina syndrome and their chance of recovery of function is much reduced.
It is therefore essential that every effort is made to diagnose and treat a patient with cauda equina syndrome before they reach this point.
If medical delays in diagnosis mean that a patient who had previously been suffering with CESI (incomplete) deteriorates to CESR (complete) prior to surgery, the relevant medical professionals may be regarded as having provided negligent care.
It may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
Speak to a specialist
If you or a loved one are struggling with the shocking impact of complete cauda equina syndrome due to poor-quality medical care, contact Glynns Solicitors. Specialists in medical negligence law, we have extensive expertise in cauda equina syndrome compensation claims and one of our team of experienced lawyers will be very happy to talk to you.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.