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Cauda Equina

Nerve Damage and Compensation for Cauda Equina Syndrome Negligence

Nerve Damage and Compensation for Cauda Equina Syndrome NegligenceUntreated cauda equina nerve compression can cause permanent lower body function losses and may justify a claim for compensation.

Lower back nerve compression

If you are experiencing symptoms of lower back nerve damage, it may be necessary for your medical professional to rule out a diagnosis of cauda equina syndrome. Failing to diagnose this disabling condition or causing a delay in surgery can leave the patient with catastrophic symptoms which can utterly undermine their way of life.

Cauda equina nerve damage

Damage to the cauda equina nerves in the lumbar region of the spin requires urgent diagnosis. Conduits of messages of sensation and movement between the lower body and the brain, these vital nerves can sometimes become squashed or compressed by a local swelling. This may the product of a herniated or ruptured disc, or the result of a tumour or inflammation. Whatever the cause, if the nerves are being compressed, their ability to function will be increasingly reduced, thereby limiting the individual's lower body function.

A person who develops complete cauda equina syndrome can face a lifetime of double incontinence, loss of mobility and sexual dysfunction. A disabling cocktail of symptoms!

Symptoms of nerve damage should prompt an investigation into the underlying cause.

If an individual is exhibiting symptoms which might be indicative of cauda equina syndrome, such a test, in the form of an MRI scan, can be a medical emergency.

Negligent medical care of cauda equina compression

A medical professional might be regarded as having been negligent in their duty of care to their patient if they fail in their response to the symptoms of cauda equina compression in one of the following ways:

  • A failure to carry out a thorough assessment of the patient
  • A failure to recognise or suspect the possible symptoms of cauda equina compression such as bilateral legs symptoms, altered sensation in the saddle area and altered urinary or bladder function
  • A failure to make an appropriately timed referral for an MRI scan
  • A delay in carrying out an MRI scan
  • A delay in surgery to decompress the nerve

Making a claim for compensation

If you are struggling with the shocking symptoms of cauda equina syndrome because your medical are was substandard, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. A successful claim would take account of your financial losses such as a loss of income or the costs of care or equipment.

It is essential that you speak with a specialist solicitor if you wish to make a claim.

Here at Glynns, specialists in medical negligence law, we can offer both the expertise and the experience of years of success in high-value cauda equina syndrome claims.

We can offer No Win No Fee funding for medical negligence claims which we will discuss with you during your free initial telephone discussion.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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