Negligent CES Red Flag Responses and Claiming Compensation
If a patient attending their medical professional is experiencing the red flag symptoms of cauda equina syndrome they may well need to be referred for an emergency MRI scan.
Responding to cauda equina syndrome red flags
If they are exhibiting possible early symptoms of cauda equina syndrome but do not merit an emergency MRI scan, they should, nonetheless, be warned of the red flag symptoms. The reason for this is that, should those symptoms develop, the patient should attend hospital as a matter of emergency rather than wait for an appointment with their GP. By the time this is achieved, their nerve compression could have increased, causing greater loss of lower body function. A delay in diagnosis and a delay in surgery can leave a patient with double incontinence, loss of sexual function and paralysis.
The red flag symptoms of cauda equina syndrome are as follows:
- Bilateral sciatica
- Altered function or sensation in the legs such as difficulty with ankle reflexes
- Altered urinary function or sensation
- Altered bowel sensation
- Altered sensation in the saddle area between the legs and around the anus
Medical negligence and red flags
A failure to recognise the red flag symptoms may be regarded as substandard care.
A failure to carry out an assessment for the red flag signs and symptoms in a patient with possible early signs of CES such as bilateral sciatica may be regarded as negligent.
A failure to make an urgent or emergency referral for a patient who is exhibiting the red flag symptoms may be regarded as negligent.
A failure to warn a patient of the red flag symptoms and the need to attend hospital should they develop may also be regarded as negligent.
Claiming compensation for negligent medical care
If a patient suffers a worse long-term outcome following substandard medical care than would have been the case with an appropriate level of care, they are entitled to make a claim for compensation.
Such a claim would address both the patient's pain and suffering as well as any financial losses caused by the effects of the negligence. For example, if negligent care has left a patient with symptoms which limit their earning capacity and cause a reduction in income, a successful compensation claim would take this into account.
Speak to the cauda equina specialists
Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with extensive experience of cauda equina syndrome compensation claims.
If you or a loved one are struggling with the shocking impact of this appalling condition sue to negligent medical care, contact us to discuss the possibility of a compensation claim, free of charge, with a specialists lawyer.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.