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Cauda Equina

Missed Signs and Symptoms and Claiming Compensation for Cauda Equina Syndrome

Missed Signs and Symptoms and Claiming Compensation for Cauda Equina SyndromeFailing to recognise or suspect the symptoms of cauda equina syndrome can be life-changing for the patient and may justify a claim for compensation.

Cauda equina syndrome and the red flags

Symptoms which might suggest that a patient is suffering from compression of the cauda quina nerves in the lumbar region of the spine could include bilateral leg pain and altered sensation, urinary difficulties and sensation losses, altered saddle sensation, altered awareness of rectal fullness.

In the course of what should be a thorough and timely diagnosis, symptoms may be missed for a variety of reasons:

  • The medical practitioner fails to carry out a thorough examination of the patient
  • The medical practitioner fails to elicit a complete assessment of the patient's symptoms
  • The medical practitioner fails to recognise that the patient's symptoms may be indicative of cauda equina compression
  • The medical practitioner fails to provide the patient with the red flag symptoms of cauda equina compression, meaning that the patient does not recognise the significance of any deterioration in their condition

The consequences of delayed diagnosis

The problem with a medical practitioner missing the signs or symptoms of cauda equina compression is that diagnosis will be delayed and decompression surgery, in its turn, will also be delayed. Decompression of the nerve is crucial to preventing further lower body function loss and, if there is a delay in this being achieved, further compression may lead to the patient suffering worsening and permanent disability.

Unfortunately, complete cauda equina syndrome can leave a patient with loss of mobility as well as double incontinence and loss of sexual function. To say that this can be life-changing is to understate the breadth and depth of the impact of such a disabling and distressing cocktail of function loss.

Not only the physical symptoms, but the psychological consequences too, can be disabling.

Loss of ability to work, loss of self-confidence, loss of personal independence may be some of the biggest outcomes but are only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the impact on a person's day to day life.

Claiming compensation

A successful compensation claim can achieve a number of positive outcomes, the first of which for many patients is the sense that there has been a recognition of the negligence which has affected then and that justice has been done.

Financially, a successful claim can help to address the many and varied problems which the patient now faces. Their loss of income can be incorporated into a claim, along with the costs of care or equipment or home adaptations necessary to cope with their loss of physical independence.

Specialist legal advice

Glynns Solicitors, a niche medical negligence law firm, specialises in cauda equina syndrome claims. We can offer a wealth of experience and expertise and a history of success in high value claims.

Contact us today to talk to a solicitor about the possibility of making a claim.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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