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Cauda Equina

Legal Advice Regarding Cauda Equina Syndrome Medical Negligence

Legal Advice Regarding Cauda Equina Syndrome Medical NegligenceIf you are wondering if you or a loved one have been the victim of medical negligence in relation to cauda equina syndrome, you really need some specialist support and advice.

The complexity of cauda equina syndrome compensation claims

Cauda equina compression, with its development, the associated symptoms and the possible associated negligence, is a highly complex issue and an analysis of a patient's experience requires the expertise and attention of the best medical experts and the best specialist solicitors.

Glynns Solicitors can provide you with both.

As specialists in medical negligence law, we speak with the victims of cauda equina syndrome negligence every day.

With years of experience in dealing with cauda equina claims, we have established a relationship with the best medical experts who can investigate both the quality of your medical care as well as assessing the ways in which any negligence has affected you and the quality of your life.

Every member of our legal team has significant experience of supporting the victims of this appalling condition. Over the years we have fine-tuned our analysis of the financial losses caused by this disabling condition and honed the skills to negotiate the best settlement where medical negligence has played a part in the patient's poor outcome.

Negligence and long-term outcomes

Negligence may occur through a failure to examine, a misdiagnosis, a failure to make a referral for investigation or a failure of red flag advice. The impact which any of these failings may have had at a given point in a patient's experience of this shocking condition is key to whether or not a compensation claim might be appropriate and the content of a claim.

If a patient has been the victim of negligent medical care, it might be possible to claim compensation for loss of income, the costs of care where necessary, or the costs of adapting the patient's home if they are now struggling to function safely in that environment.

Speak to a solicitor at Glynns

Contact us today to talk to a solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim.

You could also check out our free 'Cauda Equina Claim Guide' on our website which should help to answer some of the questions you may be considering if you are thinking about whether or not to make a claim and how to go about it.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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