GP Delays and Compensation for Cauda Equina Syndrome Negligence

If your GP has failed to consider that you might be developing compression of the cauda equina nerves, leaving you with a worse outcome following surgery than should have been the case, it might be possible to make a claim for compensation.
The consequences of negligent care
Cauda equina syndrome, caused by compression of the cauda equina nerves is a horrific and life-changing condition. Deprived of the function of these crucial nerves, the patient may suffer incontinence of both bladder and bowel as well as sexual dysfunction and loss of mobility. This catastrophic combination of lower body symptoms can leave the patient facing permanent disability which may deprive them of the capacity to work and to function independently. They may require personal care due to loss of mobility. They may struggle to navigate safely around their own home and require alterations to their accommodation. Their personal relationships may suffer as may their income if they are no longer able to work.
Symptoms of cauda equina compression
Recognising or suspecting the possible early symptoms of cauda equina compression is essential if the patient is to achieve a diagnosis at the earliest possible moment followed by timely surgery to prevent permanent dysfunction. Early symptoms may include lower back and leg pain, altered sensation affecting both legs, altered sensation in the saddle area, altered urinary function and sensation in the bladder or around the anus.
GP care of cauda equina compression
If a GP is faced with a patient who is exhibiting some or all of the above symptoms, it is essential that their care recognises the possible implications of these symptoms and results in a timely, possibly emergency, referral for an MRI scan. Competent care includes the following:
- An accurate recognition of the symptoms and their possible implications, leading to an appropriately-timed referral for an MRI scan
- An examination of the patient for any additional signs or symptoms of cauda equina compression
- A referral for a second opinion or specialist advice if there is any uncertainty as to diagnosis
- Providing red flag warnings of cauda equina compression if there is no immediate need for concern or a referral
Claiming compensation for negligent care
If you or a loved one have suffered negligent GP care of cauda equina compression, it may be possible to make a claim for compensation.
Contact Glynns Solicitors to speak with a specialist lawyer about the possibility of making a claim for compensation.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.