Disabled by CES - Can I Claim Compensation?
If cauda equina syndrome has left you disabled and struggling to work and function, it may be possible to make a claim for medical negligence.
Cauda equina syndrome
Cauda equina syndrome is a shocking and potentially disabling condition which can often be a medical emergency. If diagnosis and surgery are delayed, the patient may suffer permanent symptoms of double incontinence, sexual dysfunction and loss of mobility. If medical professionals had the opportunity to diagnose and treat the patient before reaching this point, they may be regarded as having provided negligent care. This may justify a claim for compensation.
Diagnosis at as early a stage as possible is necessary to ensure the best outcome for the patient. This requires the recognition of the possible symptoms of cauda equine syndrome, a referral for an emergency MRI scan followed, if necessary, but emergency surgery. A failing in any of these parts of the process may result in permanent disability and a compensation claim.
Symptoms and diagnosis
The symptoms, in addition to lower back pain, which should prompt a medical professional to consider the possibility of cauda equina syndrome as a diagnosis would include the following:
- Bilateral leg symptoms of pain and altered sensation extending below the knee
- Altered sensation in the saddle area between the legs and around the anus
- Altered sexual function and sensation
- Altered bladder sensation and awareness of needing to urinate
- Altered bladder function such as having to strain to commence urination or to empty the bladder
If a medical professional fails to provide appropriate medical care to a patient with cauda equine syndrome, thereby allowing the compression of the spine and loss of function to worsen before surgery, they may be held responsible for any symptoms caused by the delay. If a patient suffers physical difficulties which would not have occurred without the negligent care, they are entitled to make a claim for compensation.
Claiming compensation
Compensation claims for medical negligence in relation to cauda equine syndrome can be highly complex, requiring the skills of a specialist medical negligence lawyer.
Contact Glynns Solicitors if you or a loved one are struggling with the appalling impact of cauda equine syndrome due to delays in diagnosis and surgery. One of our team of experienced solicitors will be very happy to discuss your situation with a view to making a claim for compensation.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.