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Cauda Equina

Diagnosis Delays and Claiming Compensation for Cauda Equina Syndrome

Diagnosing Cauda Equina Compression and Compensation for Medical DelaysDiagnosis difficulties can devastate the prognosis of a patient with cauda equina syndrome. Talk to a specialist solicitor about claiming compensation.

Cauda equina syndrome diagnosis delays

A prompt diagnosis is fundamental to a good outcome from what is often regarded as a medical emergency. The progressive nature of this potentially disabling condition means that an individual can be experiencing pain in the legs and urinary difficulties one day, but wake to find that they are suffering incontinence and loss of mobility the next.

If medical failings have caused a delay in diagnosis before this distressing deterioration, the patient may be able to claim compensation for the impact of the symptoms which they would not have suffered but for the delay in diagnosis and surgery.

Medical failings which might contribute to a delay in diagnosis of this appalling condition could include the following:

  • A failure to carry out a thorough examination and assessment of a patient with lower back and leg pain, which leads to a misdiagnosis or delayed referral
  • A failure to recognise the possible symptoms of cauda equina compression, again leading to potentially life changing delays
  • A failure to seek specialist advice when necessary
  • A failure to provide the patient with red flag symptom advice, meaning that they do not attend hospital when their symptoms deteriorate
  • A failure to make an immediate referral for an MRI scan when that is what would generally have been regarded as appropriate
  • A failure to carry out an MRI scan in a timely manner or arrange for transfer to another suitable facility
  • A delay in arranging surgery to decompress the nerves

Claiming compensation for the consequences of medical negligence

The permanent consequences of cauda equina syndrome can be debilitating and distressing in the extreme, sometimes rendering the patient reliant on care and unable to continue their career. The patient may require considerable alterations to be carried out to their home in order to be able to navigate safely around it.

The financial losses and costs associated with such a shocking outcome would be included in a successful compensation claim insofar as they have been caused by the negligence of the medical professionals involved in the patient's care.

Not surprisingly, such claims are extremely complex and, if you are thinking of pursuing a claim, you would be best advised to engage the services of a specialist medical negligence solicitor.

Legal specialists

Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with a wealth of expertise in high-value cauda equina claims.

Contact us today to talk to a specialist solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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