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Cauda Equina

Diagnosing Cauda Equina Compression and Compensation Claims for Medical Delays

Diagnosing Cauda Equina Compression and Compensation for Medical DelaysDelays in the diagnosis of cauda equina compression may leave the patient with permanent and debilitating symptoms which may justify a claim for compensation.

Diagnosing cauda equina compression

Symptoms which might suggest that the patient is experiencing compression of the cauda equina nerves relate to issues with the lower body. If the nerves are becoming squashed and losing function, the patient will start to notice changes in their sensation and function in the legs, the bladder, the bowel and the perineum. They may struggle to empty the bladder or lose awareness of needing to defecate. Lower back pain and sciatica-like symptoms in both legs is an additional indicator.

Diagnosis requires a thorough examination of the patient to assess for the possible signs and symptoms. Tests, such as a pin-prick test for assessment of sensation may provide additional clues.

If the medical practitioner suspects that the patient may be developing a problem with their cauda equina nerves, a referral for an MRI scan may be regarded as a matter of emergency.

Delays in diagnosis

  • A delay due to a misdiagnosis by a GP or in Accident and Emergency may be regarded as negligent
  • A failure to provide red flag warnings to a patient who subsequently develops those symptoms but fails to attend a medical facility promptly due to lack of knowledge may also be regarded as negligent
  • A failure to refer a patient for an MRI scan or a delayed referral may allow time for life changing deterioration of the patient's condition
  • A delay in carrying out an MRI scan or a failure to transfer a patient to a suitable facility may be regarded as negligent

The problem with a delay in diagnosis is that it extends the period of time between when the patient first attends their medical facility and when they commence surgery to decompress the nerve. Such a delay can prove crucial to their outcome, if their lower body symptoms worsen during that period. As a result, their long-term lower body function loss may be far worse than would have been the case with a timely diagnosis.

Claiming compensation

Compensation claims for cauda equina medical negligence require the support of a legal specialist with expertise and experience in this complex condition.

Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with extensive expertise in cauda equina claims. Contact us today to talk to a solicitor, free of charge, if you suspect that you may have been the victim of negligent medical care.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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