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Cauda Equina

Delays, Disability and Compensation for Cauda Equina Syndrome

Delays, Disability and Compensation for Cauda Equina SyndromeDelays in the medical management and care of cauda equina syndrome can leave a patient suffering with permanent, severe disability. Talk to a specialist solicitor if either you or a loved one are struggling with this difficult and frustrating situation.

Delayed medical care of cauda equina compression

Even a short delay in the diagnosis or treatment of cauda equina compression can allow the patient's condition to deteriorate, with their nerve compression increasing and their lower body function worsening.

A delay may occur for a number of reasons which may be regarded as negligent medical care:

  • A failure by a medical professional to carry out a thorough assessment of the patient's signs and symptoms of cauda equina compression
  • A failure by a medical professional to recognise the possibility that the patient's symptoms may be indicative of cauda equina compression in the lower back
  • A failure to understand the emergency nature of red flag symptoms of cauda equina compression, meaning that a referral for an MRI scan is delayed
  • A delay in carrying out an MRI scan to identify the possible underlying cause of the patient's symptoms
  • A delay in initiating decompression surgery which can sometimes be necessary within hours rather than days to prevent further deterioration and greater disability

Cauda equina syndrome disability

The degree of disability which a patient suffering with cauda equina compression experiences can vary. The aim of surgery to decompress the spine is to prevent further loss of function and may allow some recovery of function.

If diagnosis and surgery are delayed, however, the patient is at a greater risk of severe and permanent lower body dysfunction including double incontinence (i.e. of both bladder and bowel), loss of mobility and loss of sexual function.

Therefore, early diagnosis and surgical intervention and essential and a delay by medical professionals may be regarded as negligent.

Where this is the case, it may be possible to claim compensation for the consequences of the negligence.

Where the patient is left with significant disability, the consequences can include a loss of income, the need for personal care or assistance with household tasks, the need for alterations to one's home, as well as a myriad of other life-changing, distressing effects, both practical and psychological.

Speak to a legal specialist

If negligent medical care has caused or contributed to your poor outcome, contact us here at Glynns to talk to a solicitor free of charge.

As specialists in medical negligence law, we speak with the victims of cauda equina negligence on a daily basis and understand the complexity and devastation of a cauda equina syndrome diagnosis.

Contact us today to talk to a solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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