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Cauda Equina

Claims Guidance for Cauda Equina Syndrome Medical Negligence

Claims Guidance for Cauda Equina Syndrome Medical NegligencePursuing a compensation claim for negligent medical care and management of cauda equina compression is a complex process. Make sure you have the best legal help on board if you are thinking of making a claim.

Describing your medical care

Timing is crucial in the diagnosis and medical management of cauda equina compression. In telling your solicitor about your interactions with medical professionals, it is important that you are clear about what happened (or did not happen) and when. The timing of your symptoms and any changes or deterioration in those symptoms in relation to your medical appointments or medical care is also crucial. It may help you to make notes before contacting a solicitor to ensure that you give a clear and accurate account of events.

Try to contact a solicitor as soon as possible. This will mean that you are probably able to recall events better.

Claims for medical negligence compensation are associated with a three-year deadline so it is also important to give your solicitor plenty of time to investigate your claim before the deadline is reached.

Investigating any negligence

Before issuing or negotiating your claim, your solicitor will need to analyse your medical records and ascertain if you have, in fact, suffered from negligent care.

Negligent care in relation to cauda equina syndrome may relate to a failure of examination, a failure to recognise the red flag symptoms, a delay in making a referral for an MRI scan or a delay in decompression surgery.

A specialist solicitor will have access to the best medical experts who will carry out this complicated process.

If you have experienced substandard care, you may need to be assessed by a medical professional to identify the ways in which the negligence has affected you and your quality of life.

This will further facilitate the production of a schedule of loss, reflecting the financial losses you have suffered as a result of the negligence.

The disability caused by cauda equina syndrome can affect almost every aspect of an individual's life from their capacity to work to their ability to navigate safely around their own home.

Speak to a legal specialist

Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with a history of success in high-value cauda equina syndrome claims.

Contact us today to talk to a solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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