Cauda Equina Syndrome Unemployment Compensation
If you are unable to work, or restricted in how much you can work, due to cauda equina syndrome, it might be possible to get compensation for your loss of earnings.
The impact of cauda equina syndrome
Cauda equina syndrome can be a medical emergency due to the severity of its long-term symptoms. If medical professionals fail to diagnose this shocking condition until it is too late for the patient to recover lower body function, they might be regarded as having acted negligently.
A patient whose surgery for cauda equina syndrome is delayed may find that they are suffering some or all of the following symptoms:
- Double incontinence
- Loss of mobility
- Loss of sexual sensation and function
Not surprisingly, double incontinence and the loss of mobility can impact significantly on an individual's earning capacity. Some areas of employment may be impossible for the sufferer. An individual may find, therefore, that, even though they feel able to work, their type of employment or hours of employment cause them to suffer considerable financial losses. In fact, an individual may find that their physical problems are so severe that they are unable to work at all. This will not only affect their immediate and long-term income potential but possibly also their pension expectations.
Diagnosing and treating cauda equina syndrome
It is generally considered desirable to carry out surgery for cauda equina compression before the patient loses bladder sensation. Once this point has passed, the patient may not achieve such a good long-term outcome.
Medical professionals should do all they can, therefore, to ensure that a patient who may be developing cauda equina syndrome is aware of the red flag symptoms and gets an emergency referral for an MRI scan if their symptoms warrant it, before this crucial point.
A failure to recognise or identify the relevant symptoms in a patient, meaning that their surgery is delayed, may result in the medical professional being regarded as negligent.
If the patient suffers a poor long-term outcome as a result, it might be appropriate to make a claim for compensation for the patient's pain, suffering and financial losses.
Speak to a solicitor
Glynns Solicitors are specialists in medical negligence compensation. We have extensive experience of cauda equina syndrome claims, having supported numerous clients in achieving highly-successful outcomes.
If you or a loved one are suffering the shocking impact of cauda equina syndrome due to medical failings, contact us to talk to one of our team of specialist solicitors.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.