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Cauda Equina

Cauda Equina Decompression Surgery and Compensation for Negligence

Cauda Equina Decompression Surgery and Compensation for NegligenceDecompression surgery for cauda equina compression is often regarded as a matter of emergency. Errors by medical professionals which cause a delay in surgery and a poor patient outcome may be regarded as negligent and may justify a claim for compensation.

Diagnosis and surgery for compression of the cauda equina nerves

Compression of the cauda equina nerves in the lumbar region of the spine can, if left undiagnosed, cause the loss of lower body function. Passing messages of sensation and movement between the lower body and the brain, the cauda equina nerves are crucial to function of the bowel, bladder, sexual organs and the legs.

Consequently, diagnosis of cauda equina compression is equally urgent. Failings by medical professionals which cause a delay in diagnosis and, therefore, a delay in surgery may justify a claim for compensation for what can be an utterly catastrophic and life-changing litany of appalling symptoms and function losses.

Surgery is often considered as necessary within a matter of hours rather than days or weeks. A delay in the commencement of surgery can mean deterioration in the patient's condition which can leave them permanently disabled.

Compensation for medical errors

If a patient experiences substandard medical care, whether at the hands of their GP or their hospital, Accident and Emergency services or a surgeon, and they suffer a poor outcome as a result, they are legally entitled to claim compensation for the consequences of that negligence.

Where cauda equina syndrome is concerned, those consequences can be dramatic. A loss of mobility combined with double incontinence can affect almost every aspect of an individual's life and may render the sufferer unable to work and reliant on care.

If this devastating outcome is due to medical errors, a successful compensations claim would address the associated financial losses. As can be imagined, those losses can, in some circumstances, be extensive, including a loss of income and the costs of care, equipment and adaptations to the home.

Making a claim

If you think that you may be entitled to claim compensation for cauda equina negligence, contact Glynns Solicitors. Specialists in medical negligence law, with extensive experience in high-value cauda equina claims, we are ideally placed to support you in making a claim.

It is best to contact us when you first suspect that you have a claim, as that will give us plenty of time to investigate the quality of your medical care before the deadline for the submission of claims.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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