Cauda Equina Compression and Compensation for Negligent Care
Identifying and treating compression of the cauda equina nerves can be a medical emergency. It is crucial that medical professionals recognise the possible symptoms and take appropriate action. A failure to do so may be regarded as negligent and may leave the patient with permanent and severe disability. It may also justify a claim for compensation.
Cauda equina compression occurs when a condition such as a herniated disc or a tumour causes the nerves in the lower back to become squashed. This will cause a reduction in their capacity to function which will worsen as the compression increases.
The key stages of medical intervention include suspicion of the possible symptoms, confirmation of a diagnosis through an MRI scan and surgery to decompress the nerves.
The possible early signs and symptoms of cauda equina compression occur in the lower body where these vital nerves register sensation and initiate muscle movement. Symptoms could include the following:
- Pain and altered sensation in the leg, especially if present in both legs
- Altered sensation in the saddle area between the legs
- Altered urinary experience such as having to strain
- Altered bladder sensation or awareness
- Altered bowel function or sensation
- Altered sexual sensation
Negligent medical care
Competent medical care of cauda equina compression is essential to ensure that the patient does not lose sensation and function in the lower body permanently.
The following failings in medical care may be regarded as negligent and, if the patient suffers significant problems and financial losses as a result, could justify a claim for compensation.
- A failure to recognise the possible symptoms of cauda equina compression, leading to a delay in arranging an MRI scan
- A misdiagnosis of cauda equina syndrome symptoms, leading to a delay in the correct diagnosis and a delay in treatment
- A failure to examine a patient for the signs of cauda equina compression such as loss of sensation in the saddle area
- A failure to warn a patient of the red flag symptoms which should prompt immediate attendance at hospital
- A delay in arranging surgery for spinal decompression
Claiming compensation
If a patient suffers a poor outcome from negligent medical care, they are entitled by law to claim compensation for the effects of the negligence.
If you or a loved one are struggling with the appalling impact of cauda equina disability, contact Glynns Solicitors to speak with a specialist solicitor.
We are a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with a team of experienced lawyers, one of whom will be very happy to talk to you about the possibility of making a claim for compensation.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.