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Cauda Equina

Cauda Equina Bowel Function and Compensation for Negligent Medical Care

Cauda Equina Bowel Function and Compensation for Negligent Medical CareIf the debilitating bowel symptoms of cauda equina syndrome have caused you to suffer significant financial losses, it may be possible to make a claim for compensation.

How does cauda equina syndrome affect the bowel?

The cauda equina nerves at the base of the spine are responsible for the awareness of needing to pass wind or to defecate. They are also responsible for initiating movement in order to respond to these needs, or to prevent the passing of faeces and wind. If the cauda equina nerves are unable to function due to compression, sensation and function may be lost, meaning that an individual may lose their control of the passing of wind and faeces. This can leave them with bowel incontinence.

Of course, the impact of cauda equina nerve loss is not restricted to bowel movements. It can also affect sexual function, bladder function and lower body mobility.

Quality of life consequences of bowel function losses

Incontinence of wind and faeces can have wide-ranging effects on someone's quality of life. They may suffer a loss of confidence and anxiety about control of their bowel movements, causing them to be reluctant to leave their home and access to a toilet. They may find social and personal interactions embarrassing and stressful. They may find that some areas of employment are no longer accessible, such as healthcare, hospitality and education. Reduced employment can lead to a reduction of income.

If combined with mobility losses, an individual may find that they require some degree of personal care in order to achieve daily chores and tasks.

Compensation for negligent medical care

If medical professionals cause a delay in the diagnosis and treatment of cauda equina syndrome, the consequences can be devastating. A delay in surgery can allow the patient's symptoms to worsen and become permanent.

Where this is found to be the case, it may be possible to make a claim for compensation which would address the financial losses and costs caused by the consequences of the negligent care.

Delays in diagnosis may be caused by a failure to examine the patient, a failure to recognise the significance and urgency of red flag symptoms, a delay in making a referral for an MRI scan and a delay in carrying out surgery.

Speak to a legal specialist

Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with a team of experienced lawyers.

Contact us today to speak to a solicitor, free of charge, if you or a loved one have been the victim of negligent cauda equina care.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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