Can I Sue My Hospital for Cauda Equina Syndrome?
If a patient attends Accident and Emergency with the symptoms of cauda equina syndrome, they may need immediate surgery in order to avoid a lifetime of disability. If your hospital has failed to respond promptly to your symptoms, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
The way in which medical professionals in hospital respond to the symptoms of cauda equina syndrome is crucial to the long-term outcome for the patient. A failure to recognise the significance of this appalling condition can result in appalling consequences for the patient.
Recognising the symptoms
Although cauda equina syndrome is fairly rare, it is essential that medical practitioners recognise the red flag symptoms. A patient with lower back and leg pain should be assessed for additional symptoms which might indicate a problem with the cauda equina nerves. Such symptoms could include problems with urination, progressive symptoms in both legs rather than one, and altered sensation in the saddle area and around the anus.
A failure to test for these symptoms or to recognise their significance may result in the patient being sent home when, in fact, they should undergo an emergency MRI scan to assess the cause of their symptoms.
Should the patient's symptoms subsequently deteriorate before an accurate diagnosis is achieved, the relevant medical professionals may be regarded as having provided a substandard level of service and a claim for compensation may be appropriate.
Organising an MRI Scan
A patient who is exhibiting symptoms indicative of cauda equina syndrome may require an emergency MRI. If the hospital staff delay organising such a procedure, whether at their own facility or by transferring the patient promptly to an alternative facility, they may be regarded as having acted negligently. If the patient suffers a worse outcome as a result of the delay, it may be possible to claim compensation for their pain, suffering and associated financial losses.
Delayed Surgery
The timing of surgery can be absolutely crucial in determining the outcome for a patient with cauda equina syndrome. If hospital delays mean that the patient's symptoms deteriorate prior to surgery, it is possible that the patient will suffer a lifetime of incontinence and loss of mobility. In such circumstances, a compensation claim may help to cope with the on-going problems suffered by the patient.
Speak to a solicitor
If you or a loved one are suffering the shocking symptoms of cauda equina syndrome due to hospital delays, contact Glynns today to talk to a specialist medical negligence solicitor.
We have supported numerous clients in making highly-successful claims for the results of their poor-quality care and will be very happy to discuss your situation with you.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.