Can I Make a Legal Claim for Cauda Equina Syndrome?
If you believe that your on-going cauda equina syndrome problems are due to medical professionals failing to respond to your symptoms promptly, it might be appropriate to make a claim for compensation. Contact Glynns to talk to a specialist medical negligence solicitor.
If cauda equina syndrome symptoms are not investigated urgently, it is possible that the patient's nerve compression might deteriorate before they undergo surgery. If this means that the patient's outcome is significantly worse than would have been the case with a more efficient response, the patient might wish to make a claim for compensation.
Early symptoms of cauda equina syndrome
A patient who visits their GP or Accident and Emergency facility with pain in the lower back and leg may have sciatica. It is also possible, however, that they are developing cauda equina syndrome and should be assessed for any possible additional symptoms such as the following:
- Is the patient experiencing sciatica in both legs rather than one?
- Is the patient experiencing any change in their urinary habits such as having to strain when urinating or having a poor flow?
- Is the patient aware of tingling or numbness in the saddle area or around the buttocks?
A patient suffering additional symptoms which could indicate that they are developing cauda equina syndrome might merit a referral for an emergency MRI scan to ascertain the underlying cause of their symptoms.
A failure to make such a referral, allowing the patient to deteriorate before such a referral is finally made, could mean that the patient suffers a worse long-term outcome as a result. Such an action might be considered to have been negligent.
Red flag warnings
Where the medical professional does not feel it is necessary to make a referral for further investigation, it would probably still be necessary to warn the patient that, should the above ‘red flag' symptoms develop, the patient ought to go to their nearest Accident and Emergency facility as a matter of emergency.
A failure to advise the patient of the red flag symptoms of cauda equina syndrome could mean that, if these symptoms do develop, the patient does not understand the need for immediate action and the opportunity for meaningful surgery is lost. In such a situation, the GP might be considered to have acted negligently.
Speak to a solicitor
Here at Glynns Solicitors, we have supported numerous clients in making highly-successful compensation claims for delays in diagnosing cauda equina syndrome.
Contact us today to talk to a solicitor with expertise in claims relating to this appalling condition.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.