Stoma Due to Negligent Perineal Tear Care and How to Claim Compensation

If negligent maternity care of a severe perineal tear has left you with a stoma, you may be entitled to claim compensation for the consequences of this appalling situation.
Negligent maternity care and lost bowel function
A woman approaching childbirth is not expecting to find herself needing a stoma to provide bowel function as a result. However, vaginal childbirth raises a risk of a severe birth tear which, in extreme circumstances and without scrupulous medical care, can lead to just such a situation.
Severe birth tears, known as 3rd and 4th degree tears, cause damage to the anal sphincter. This is the external and internal muscles which work together to prevent and control the passing of wind and faeces. Clearly, these are vitally important muscles, crucial to a woman's continence. Competent medical care of severe birth tears is, consequently, absolutely essential. If a severe tear such as a 4th degree tear is not successfully and accurately diagnosed by the medical professional attendant at a vaginal birth, the woman will not undergo the necessary repair. Repair of a severe birth tear is not a simple matter. It requires the skills of an experienced surgeon in an appropriate setting.
Diagnosing a severe birth tear
A timely and accurate diagnosis of any damage to the perineum and anal sphincter depends on a thorough examination of the new mother following the birth. If this does not take place, no diagnosis may be made. If the examination is inadequate or the knowledge lacking, any damage may be misdiagnosed.
If the damage to bowel function is severe, delayed surgery may not be successful in repairing the injury and restoring function.
Consequently, the woman affected may struggle with her bowl and may need to have a stoma fitter.
The consequences of this can be wide-ranging, not least to the woman's self-confidence. Her ability to work may also be affected, causing a significant loss of income.
Claiming compensation
In these circumstances, it may be possible to make a claim for compensation for the loss of income and any other financial losses caused by the negligent care.
Contact a specialist solicitor who will be able to access your medical records, assess the quality of your care and, if it appears that you have a valid claim, they will also be able to analyse the financial implications.
Speak to a specialist
Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with a team of experienced lawyers. Contact us today to speak with a solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.