Second Degree Tear Left Unrepaired
While giving birth to her third child, Tanya suffered a second degree tear. She should have received stitches shortly afterwards, but unfortunately the injury was not identified until two weeks later. By the time a diagnosis had been made, the damage was extensive, and Tanya required reconstructive surgery.
When Tanya went into labour with her third child, she suffered no complications and gave birth to a healthy boy. The senior midwife who assisted with the delivery diagnosed a first degree tear to the vagina – a minor injury that does not require any stitches. Although she was not seen by a doctor at any point, Tanya trusted the midwife and accepted that she did not need further treatment.
She and her new-born son were discharged later that day. However, when Tanya had a bath that evening, she became concerned that perhaps the midwife had made a mistake. The area which was torn looked badly damaged, and she suspected she needed stitches. Tanya related her worries to the local midwife who made a home visit two days later. She examined the wound, but said it was too early to tell whether or not there was a problem.
Ten days after giving birth, Tanya was seen by a different midwife. Again, she expressed her concerns regarding her tear, prompting the midwife to perform an examination. This time, Tanya was told that she should have received stitches after the delivery. She advised Tanya to arrange an appointment with a consultant gynaecologist, which was booked for the end of the following month.
During this appointment, the consultant examined Tanya's injury and quickly confirmed what the midwife had suggested: she had in fact suffered a second degree tear which should have been stitched at the time of the birth. Tanya was then informed that because of the delay in diagnosis, she would now require reconstructive surgery to repair the damage. The operation was performed a month later.
Although the procedure went well, the surgery significantly prolonged Tanya's recovery, and she continued to suffer pain and discomfort for many months afterwards. She found even just walking around the house was painful, meaning she could not carry out any general household duties, drive or look after her three young children. Instead, her husband had to take a lot of time off work, putting immense pressure on him and their relationship.
Soon afterwards, Tanya contacted Glynns to discuss the level of care she received. We suggested that the midwife failed to detect and repair a second degree tear at the time of her son's birth – this amounted to medical negligence. In turn, this negligence caused Tanya additional pain and suffering, both before and after the reconstructive surgery was carried out.
Tanya decided to pursue a medical negligence claim, which we handled on her behalf. The claim was quickly settled outside of court, and Tanya was awarded over £5,000 for the substandard level of care she received.
(Details which might identify our client have been changed.)
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