Obstetric Fistula Negligence and Claiming Compensation
An obstetric fistula is a rare side-effect of vaginal childbirth. Poo-quality medical care can leave a new mother with bowel dysfunction and the need for a stoma. It may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
What is an obstetric fistula?
An obstetric fistula is the development of an abnormal hole or passage between the rectum and the vagina which can be caused during vaginal childbirth. It can sometimes occur when a woman experiences a fourth degree tear as her baby is born.
A fourth degree tear is a tear to the skin and muscle of the perineum between the vagina and the anus, which also extends through the anal sphincter muscles into the anus.
A fourth degree tear is a severe injury and requires an accurate diagnosis and a prompt, skilled repair by an experienced surgeon.
Without a diagnosis and repair, the woman may start to notice that she is passing wind and faeces through her vagina rather than through the anus. It may also be recommended that she undergo a colostomy operation to have a stoma bag fitted to provide bowel function.
Claiming compensation for medical negligence
Loss of bowel function can have a significant and adverse effect on a woman's life. It is not just a matter of loss of confidence or self-esteem; it will inevitably affect almost every aspect of a woman's life, including her ability and willingness to travel, socialise and work. This can result in significant financial losses.
If an individual suffers a poor long-term outcome due to substandard medical care, they are entitled to make a claim for the losses they have suffered which would not have occurred with better quality, acceptable care.
Maternity care negligence and an obstetric fistula
Women who have given birth through the vagina should undergo a thorough examination following the birth and all damage to the perineum and anus should be accurately diagnosed. The purpose of this is precisely to ensure that a woman's bowel function is not compromised by injury.
If an examination does not take place or a misdiagnosis is made, leaving the woman with long-term and debilitating symptoms, a compensation claim may be a helpful way forward.
Speak to a medical negligence specialist
If oy or a loved one are struggling with the appalling consequences of an obstetric fistula due to substandard maternity care, contact Glynns Solicitors.
As specialists in medical negligence law, we have extensive expertise in maternity care claims and one of our team of experienced lawyers will be very happy to help you.
Contact us today to discuss the suitability of making a claim for compensation for your substandard maternity care.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.