New Information On Severe Birth Tears Issued by RCOG
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has recently published patient information relating to anal sphincter injuries in childbirth. These distressing injuries can sometimes justify a claim for compensation.
RCOG Information
As a development of the OASI Care Bundle, originally created and launched in 2017, these new guidelines offer women and their families information on coping with severe birth tears.
The original care bundle attempted to reduce the occurrence of third and fourth degree tears by suggesting a range of interventions focused on the actions of medical professionals. These included informing the pregnant woman about how she could reduce her risk of a severe tear; using manual protection of the perineum during vaginal childbirth; using a medio-lateral episiotomy where indicated; and ensuring that a thorough examination of the perineum is carried out after the birth.
The new booklet is aimed at patients and provides detailed information about serious perineal and anal birth injuries including what medical response to expect, what physical issues may arise and how to help yourself recover from a severe birth injury such as a third or fourth degree tear.
Failure to diagnose and repair
If a severe birth tear has not been diagnosed or repaired, however, recovery of bowel function may not happen at all.
If medical professionals fail to spot that the woman's perineum and anus have been damaged, the woman may be left with permanent and distressing symptoms.
The RCOG suggestion in their Care Bundle that all women who give birth vaginally should undergo a thorough examination following the birth of their baby does not always produce an accurate picture of the injury a woman has suffered.
Sometimes a perineal examination is carried out but the damage is misdiagnosed, leaving the woman believing that she has suffered a 1st or 2nd degree tear when, in fact, she has suffered a severe anal injury. This failure of accurate diagnosis is likely to mean that the woman does not undergo an effective repair and her symptoms will continue.
Speak to a solicitor
The long-term effects of a severe birth injury can be life-changing. If you are suffering the impact of these appalling injuries due to a failure to diagnose and repair your injury effectively, contact Glynns Solicitors.
We have pursued numerous highly-successful compensation claims on behalf of women who continue to suffer these distressing symptoms.
Contact us today and a specialist medical negligence solicitor will be very happy to discuss your situation with you.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.