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Medical Negligence, Compensation and 3rd Degree Tear Injuries

Medical Negligence, Compensation and 3rd Degree Tear InjuriesUndiagnosed 3rd degree tears cause highly-distressing and debilitating symptoms and may justify a claim for compensation.

Compensating medical negligence

Compensation for medical negligence is intended to recognise that the patient has in some way suffered as a result of substandard care and provide recompense for the associated pain, suffering and financial losses.

If you wish to make a claim for compensation because you suspect that your medical professional has been negligent, a specialist medical negligence lawyer will obtain your medical records and undertake an investigation into the quality of your care.

If it is found, with the support of the best, respected medical experts, that you have indeed, suffered from negligent care, a comprehensive assessment will be made of the impact of the negligence on you and your quality of life, along with an analysis of the financial losses you have suffered and will suffer as a consequence of the negligence.

3rd degree tears and their impact

Third degree birth tears compromise the function of the bowel. Damaging the anal sphincter, the muscles which control the passing of wind and faeces, a 3rd degree tear can leave a woman suffering from urgency, leakage or incontinence.

3rd degree tears can cause injury to the external muscle or to both external and internal muscles around the anus.

As a result, a new mother can find herself struggling to manage her bowel movements. Apart from the psychological impact, the practical requirements of needing urgent access to a toilet at all times, can limit what a woman feels able to do.

It may restrict the type of work which she can undertake. It may limit her ability to travel and engage with social activities. It can utterly undermine her self-confidence and leave her feeling unable to leave her home. Sadly, it can also affect her ability to support her new-born child in the way in which she had hoped to do.

Claiming compensation

A successful compensation claim will address the financial impact such as a loss of income and can go some considerable way towards helping the new mother feel that her injury has now been recognised.

However, such claims are complex and, in order to achieve the best, and fairest, settlement, it is essential to get the best legal support.

Glynns Solicitors is a specialist medical negligence legal practice. We have a history of success in high-value birth tear claims and understand the distressing impact which these injuries can have.

Contact us today to talk to a solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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