Maternity Disability and Compensation for Negligent Medical Care
The long term symptoms of an undiagnosed anal sphincter injury in childbirth can cause significant bowel disability, affecting a woman's ability to work and support her child. A successful compensation claim can help.
Severe maternity tears and the need for competent medical care
One of the less common, and less commonly talked about, complications of vaginal childbirth is the possibility of a severe anal tear. For a significant minority of women who choose to give birth through the vagina, a severe tear is a risk. Women who undergo an instrumental delivery and women who are giving birth for the first time, as well as women of Asian ethnicity, are at a particular risk.
A severe tear is one which extends beyond the perineum. Not surprisingly, tears of some degree are common in childbirth, but severe tears are those which injure the muscles around the anus and compromise the woman's control of the passing of wind and faeces.
Prompt and competent medical care is crucial to the new mother achieving the best outcome. Without such care, a woman may start to experience urgency, leakage and incontinence. A perhaps natural reluctance to discuss or seek help for such symptoms can mean that an injury which should have been identified in the immediate post-natal period, continues to be undiagnosed. The new mother may face a lifetime of disabling and highly-distressing bowel problems.
Medical negligence and 3rd & 4th degree tears
Severe tears require an accurate diagnosis and effective repair. Examples of what may be regarded as negligent maternity care, leaving a woman's injury undiagnosed and unrepaired could include the following:
- A failure to examine including a failure to carry out a digital rectal examination shortly after the birth of your baby
- A failure to identify an anal sphincter in jury
- A misdiagnosis of an anal sphincter injury
- A failure to effectively repair an anal sphincter injury
If you are struggling with the appalling symptoms of anal dysfunction and suspect that you suffered an undiagnosed severe tear, it may be possible to claim compensation for the consequences.
Speak to a legal specialist
Compensation claims for maternity negligence are complex both in terms of analysis of a woman's experience during her maternity care and in terms of assessment of the impact of any negligence on her health, well-being and quality of life.
If you think that you may be in a position to make a claim, it is important to get advice from a legal specialist.
Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with extensive expertise in birth tear claims.
Contact us today to speak with a solicitor, free of charge, about making a claim for compensation.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.