Maternal Fistula Negligence and Claiming Compensation
A rectovaginal fistula is a highly-distressing and potentially life-changing occasional outcome of vaginal childbirth. Negligent care of this traumatic injury can justify a claim for compensation.
A rectovaginal fistula
A rectovaginal fistula is possibly the worst outcome of perineal trauma during vaginal childbirth. This appalling injury can develop when a woman suffers a 4th degree tear due to the physical pressure of childbirth on the skin and muscle around the vagina.
A 4th degree tear travels from the vagina, across the perineum and tears through both the external and internal anal sphincter muscle. It additionally causes damage to the lining of the anal canal. It is this final element of this appalling injury which can lead to the development of an abnormal passage or hole between the rectum and the vagina, which may allow wind and faeces to leak from the vagina.
Without an effective repair, symptoms such as this are likely to have a dramatic impact on the way a woman leads her life, affecting her confidence, her ability to work and her ability to nurture and care for her new baby. She may even need to be fitted with a colostomy bag to provide bowel function for her.
Negligent care of severe birth tears
If this shocking outcome is the product of negligent maternity care, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
Examples of negligent maternity care regarding a severe birth tear include the following:
- A failure to carry out a thorough perineal examination of the new mother including a digital rectal examination to check for any signs of anal damage
- A failure to diagnose any anal sphincter damage
- A misdiagnosis of anal sphincter damage, for example identifying a 4th degree tear as a 3rd degree tear
- A failure to diagnose a fistula
- A failure to carry out a full, appropriate and effective repair of anal damage
Claiming compensation
If you believe that you may have been the victim of negligent maternity care, you need to speak with a legal specialist. They will be able to access your medical records and employ the best medical experts to analyse the quality of your medic al care. If you have been the victim of substandard care, they will be able to negotiate the best settlement for you.
Legal specialists
Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with extensive expertise in high-value severe birth tear claims. Contact us today to talk to a solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim for compensation.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.