Making a Compensation Claim for a 4th Degree Tear
A new mother who has suffered a fourth degree tear during childbirth has been extremely unfortunate. If her injury has not been diagnosed or repaired, she may have been the victim of medical negligence and it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
Birth tears
Third and fourth degree tears, the most severe forms of childbirth perineal injuries, require immediate expert attention. An accurate diagnosis of the extent and nature of the injury followed by effective surgery can help the woman to recover. A failure to achieve either of these actions can leave her with a lifetime of bowel dysfunction.
Vaginal birth can frequently cause a tear to the perineum. This is usually of a small and superficial nature. Severe tears, however, cause significant injury and can have devastating and permanent effects.
A fourth degree tear damages both the external and internal muscles which enable a woman to control her bowels. When these muscles (the anal sphincter) are damaged, she can lose the ability to prevent the passing of both wind and faeces, becoming incontinent. Alternatively, she may find that she has very little time to get to the toilet, requiring constant access to facilities.
In addition, a fourth degree tear damages the inner lining of the anal canal, compounding the woman's problems. If a fourth degree tear is not diagnosed and repaired, it may allow a fistula or hole to develop between the rectum and the vagina, causing additional and unpleasant symptom of vaginal leakage.
Negligence and fourth degree tears
Guidelines as to the assessment, recording and repair of severe birth tears are clear and a failure to adhere to these guidelines may be considered as negligent. The long-term problems can be so severe that a failure to carry out a thorough examination of a woman following childbirth can justify a claim for compensation if she subsequently suffers problems.
Speak to a solicitor
If you are struggling with the impact of an undiagnosed fourth degree tear, you may be finding it difficult to work. Your income may be severely affected. A successful compensation claim can provide recompense for your financial losses if your medical professionals are found to have been at fault.
Contact Glynns Solicitors to talk to a specialist solicitor with expertise in this type of compensation claim.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.