Life Restricted After 3rd Degree Tear Missed
The effects of a missed 3rd degree tear can have a significant impact upon someone's life. Every area of their life can become restricted, including:
1. Employment
If the individual's bowel complaints are severe, it may be very difficult to return to work. Even just the journey to work can be problematic, particularly if it is a long distance to drive, walk or travel on public transport.
At work, the nature of the job may mean that a toilet is not always within easy reaching distance. For instance, a teacher will not be able to suddenly leave the room, should the need to pass a stool arise.
Therefore even if the individual wishes to continue with work, it may be impossible to do so – especially if their employer is not understanding and will not be flexible with the working situation (for example, offering the opportunity to work from home).
2. Domestic situation
Bowel dysfunction can prevent the individual from carrying out household tasks, particularly those that involve leaving the house such as shopping. Childcare can also be hard because there may be a need to quickly rush to the toilet, something which is not always applicable when caring for young children. All this can put a strain upon domestic relations, as one person may be relied upon to do almost everything.
Bowel dysfunction also often results in sexual dysfunction, as there will be concerns about potential leakage during intercourse. This can further add to feelings of anxiety, frustration and resentment.
3. Social life
The individual's social life can become severely restricted. Often this is largely due to psychological issues that mean she does not want to leave the house. Activities formerly enjoyed may be given up.
There will frequently be problems with travel and routes may be planned according to the locations of public toilets. Even with this forward-planning, the individual may pack spare clothes and pads wherever she goes.
What can you do?
These are just a few examples of the ways in which someone's life can be adversely affected by a missed 3rd degree tear.
If this has happened to you, you may be interested to discover that you could be entitled to compensation. Third degree tears are supposed to be diagnosed and repaired shortly after the birth.
Had you undergone a properly conducted repair of a third degree tear following the birth of your child, then on the balance of probabilities, you would be asymptomatic and have normal bowel function.
You therefore deserve to make a claim for the injuries you have wrongfully sustained. To find out if you can claim, please get in touch with us today.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.