How to Claim Compensation for an Anal Sphincter Birth Tear
If you have suffered negligent maternity care, leaving you with severe bowel problems due to an unrepaired anal sphincter injury, it may be possible to make a claim for compensation.
What is an anal sphincter birth tear?
An anal sphincter injury during vaginal childbirth is a tear which extends from the vagina across the perineum and damages the muscles around the anus which control bowel movement. It may even affect the internal lining of the anal canal (a fourth degree tear) and cause a fistula between the anus and the vagina.
It may be appropriate to make a claim for medical negligence if medical professionals attendant at your baby's birth failed to diagnose your anal sphincter injury. This will have meant that no repair was carried out, leaving you with appalling on-going bowel dysfunction.
How to claim compensation
It may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation if your poor-quality of care has caused you to suffer financial losses such as a reduced income because of your symptoms.
The first thing to bear in mind is that claims for compensation for medical negligence have to be commenced within three years of the date of the alleged negligence. For example, if your anal sphincter injury was not diagnosed when you gave birth to your baby in February 2020, you need to commence your claim by February 2023. This is known as the date of limitation. Don't delay.
It is also advisable to obtain the services of a specialist solicitor. As part of a medical negligence claim, it is necessary for your medical records to be obtained and assessed by an expert in the relevant field of medicine. A specialist medical negligence solicitor will have access to the best medical experts who will be instructed to assess the quality of your maternity care and the validity of your claim.
Before you contact a solicitor, try to make sure that you have to hand all the details you can recall of your experience and your symptoms so that you can explain your situation clearly.
Speak to a specialist
If you or a loved one are struggling with the impact of a severe birth tear due to negligent medical care, contact Glynns Solicitors. We are a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with a team of experienced lawyers who will be more than happy to discuss your experience and assess the validity of your claim.
Contact us today to discuss the suitability of making a claim for compensation for your substandard maternity care.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.