How Do I Know If I Had A 3rd Degree Tear?
If you sustain a 3rd degree tear while giving birth, you should be told by medical practitioners shortly afterwards.
How do I know if a tore?
When you give birth vaginally, you are supposed to have a routine examination afterwards, during which a clinician will look for any injuries. If you have suffered a perineal tear you should be told about the injury, and told what type of tear you have. If it is a 3rd or 4th degree tear, you will then go to theatre for a repair.
However, sometimes medical practitioners are vague about the injuries that have been sustained. Some women only discover they had a 3rd degree tear when they read their medical records, or when it is mentioned at a later date by a GP or consultant. If you are uncertain, simply ask a midwife or doctor what type of tear you have suffered.
Why was my tear only just diagnosed?
There are also occasions when a woman does not initially find out about her 3rd degree tear because the injury was not diagnosed after the birth. It is only when later medical investigations reveal the defect that a 3rd degree tear is diagnosed.
If you have only just become aware of your 3rd degree tear because there was a delay in diagnosis, you could be the victim of medical negligence. Third degree tears must be detected and repaired in the hours following the birth. This ensures the injury has the best chance of healing.
A delay in treatment will adversely affect the outcome, as 3rd degree tears are much harder to treat after a certain amount of time has passed. Even a delay of just 24 hours can lead to a poor outcome.
Am I the victim of medical negligence?
If you would like to know whether or not you are the victim of medical negligence, please get in touch with us today. We are a medical negligence law firm with specialist knowledge of 3rd degree tear claims. We can advise whether you have grounds to pursue a claim for a perineal tear, and if so, can handle the claim on your behalf.
Third degree tear claims must be made within three years of the birth, so please do not hesitate when seeking independent legal advice. Otherwise you could run out of time, denying you the opportunity to claim compensation.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.