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Financial Impact and Compensation for OASI Negligence

Financial Impact and Compensation for OASI NegligenceIf you are struggling with the consequences of an OASI due to negligent maternity are, you may want to consider making a claim for compensation.

An OASI is a severe injury following vaginal childbirth. It relates to the damage which can be done to the anal sphincter, the muscles which control the passing of wind and faeces. There are several forms of AOSI, from a 3a tear which affects only up to 50% of the external anal sphincter through to a 4th degree tear which damages both external and internal anal sphincter as well as the lining of the anal canal, in addition to the damage to the perineum caused by all perineal tears.

Severe anal tears, if unrepaired or poorly repaired, can leave the new mother with appalling, debilitating and embarrassing symptoms. From extreme urgency when needing to go to the toilet, to incontinence of both wind and faeces, or the need for a stoma to be fitted to provide bowel function.

The financial impact of an OASI

Not surprisingly, the physical, practical and emotional consequences can be significant and the financial impact can be dramatic.

A woman who is suffering incontinence of both wind and faeces may struggle to work. There are several areas of employment which may not be accessible to her such as hospitality, healthcare and education, even if she felt able to leave the house and try to work, which many women affected by these appalling injuries do not. Alternatively, the woman may only be able to work part-time due to her symptoms and subsequently suffer a reduction in income.

Additionally, loss of bowel control may necessitate the use of a variety of personal hygiene items or undergoing forms of treatment which would not have been necessary had the woman's anal injury been correctly treated at the time it occurred.

A woman who is struggling severely with the appalling symptoms and emotional distress of an unrepaired anal tear may also need help with her child or children.

The right to compensation

If an individual suffers a poor long-term due to negligent medical care which would not have been the case with an appropriate standard of care, they are legally entitled to claim compensation for consequences. However, such claims are extremely complicated and require the expertise of a specialist solicitor.

Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with extensive experience of birth tear claims.

Contact us to talk to a solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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