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Disabled By an OASI - Can I Make a Claim?

Disabled By an OASI - Can I Make a Claim?If you are suffering significant bowel dysfunction due to an obstetric anal sphincter injury, you may well be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

The long-term impact of a neglected OASI

Injuries to the anal sphincter during vaginal childbirth require prompt and skilled medical attention. This means an early examination of the new mother's perineum and anal sphincter and an accurate identification of any and all damage, followed by a competent surgical repair by an experienced surgeon.

Without competent medical care, 3rd and 4th degrees (OASI by another name) can cause an array of unpleasant, distressing and disabling symptoms. The new mother may find that she is experiencing some of the following:

  • Uncontrolled leakage of wind
  • Uncontrolled leakage or incontinence of faeces
  • Extreme urgency when needing to go to the toilet
  • Discomfort and pain in the perineum
  • Infections in the perineum
  • Leakage of wind or faecal matter through the vagina
  • The need for a stoma to be fitted

The broader consequences

Not surprisingly, such an appalling combination of symptoms can cause utter devastation to a new mother and her family.

Practically, she may struggle to organise her day around the needs of her bowel. Her self-confidence may suffer and she may struggle with depression and isolation. She may find it difficult to work, to socialise or to leave her home at all. Many new mothers suffering with the difficulties of bowel incontinence also find that it imapcts on their relationship with their baby and their ability to provide the support the baby needs.

Financially, the situation can also be difficult if the new mother is unable to work or restricted in what she can manage to do.

When to make a claim

You can make a claim for compensation if the post-natal problems which you are suffering are found to have been caused by inadequate or inappropriate maternity care.

If medical professionals failed to carry out an examination or failed to make the correct diagnosis, leaving you with an unrepaired severe tear, you should be able to claim compensation for the consequences, such as a loss of income.

Contact a legal specialist as soon as you are able and they will guide through the complicated process of investigation and making a claim.

Legal specialists

Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with a wealth of expertise and success in birth tear claims.

Contact us today to talk to a solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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