Compensation for the Impact of Negligent OASI Care
Obstetric anal sphincter injuries damage the muscles around the bowel which control and prevent the passing of wind and faeces. Negligent medical care can be utterly life-changing and may justify a claim for compensation.
OASI Maternity Care
Obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASI) are an occasional result of vaginal childbirth. Whilst perineal tears are common, anal sphincter injuries, thankfully, are not. Extending beyond the perineum, they cause damage to the muscles which control bowel movement.
They require scrupulous and prompt medical care. A thorough examination, an accurate diagnosis and a prompt and effective surgical repair are all essential to the recovery of the new mother.
A failure to diagnose and repair can leave a woman facing a lifetime of bowel symptoms such as the following:
- Urgency when needing the toilet
- Incontinence of both wind and faeces
- Infections of the perineum
- Discomfort of the perineum
- Leakage of wind and faeces from the vagina if a fistula has developed
Life-changing symptoms
Negligent medical care of anal sphincter injuries can be devastating, physically, psychologically and financially.
The practical difficulties associated with incontinence are, on their own, sufficient to disrupt a woman's life dramatically.
The psychological impact can, if possible, be even more damaging, affecting a woman's self-esteem, her self-confidence, her willingness to leave her home and her ability to support and raise her child. Personal relationships can come under huge pressure adding to the already-distressing problems.
Financially, the impact of negligent maternity care can also cause significant problems. A woman who is unable to control the passing of wind and faeces may find that there are many areas of employment where she is no longer able to work. This could include hospitality, education, healthcare, retail and policing. Consequently, a new mother may suffer a dramatic loss of income, as well as having to come to terms with accepting that her future now looks very different from the one she had planned.
The right to claim compensation
If a patient suffers a poor outcome due to negligent medical care, they are entitled by law to claim compensation for the impact of that negligence.
A successful compensation claim would take account of financial losses, such as loss of income, as well as providing recompense for pain and suffering.
Speak to a legal specialist
Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with a team of expert lawyers.
If you are suffering the appalling impact of negligent OASI care, contact us to talk to a solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim for compensation.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.