Compensation for Misdiagnosis of Tear After Forceps Birth
An instrumental delivery should be followed by a thorough perineal examination. A failure to diagnose severe perineal and anal trauma may be regarded as poor-quality medical care.
The risk of an instrumental birth
An instrumentally-assisted birth is a risk factor for the occurrence of a severe perineal tear. A forceps birth is a greater risk factor for a severe tear than a birth with the use of a ventouse.
A severe birth tear is one which extends beyond the perineum (between the vagina and the anus) and consequently causes potentially life-changing damage to the muscles which control the functioning of the bowel.
The pressure of an instrumental birth can damage the anal muscles. A third degree tear can damage either the external or both the external and internal anal sphincter muscles whereas a fourth degree tear additionally damages the lining of the anal canal.
Diagnosis and care of anal trauma
Both tears, which require the attention of a skilled surgeon in an operating theatre, can cause the new mother to suffer incontinence of both wind and faeces. If such a severe injury is not fully and competently repaired shortly after the birth, these appalling symptoms may become permanent. Indeed, they may even worsen as time passes.
If the bowel is significantly damaged, perhaps by the development of a fistula or hole following a fourth degree tear, the new mother may even require the formation of a colostomy.
The potential for such shocking symptoms to develop should ensure that every care is taken to identify any damage to the anal sphincter and anal canal following an instrumental birth.
A failure to examine a new mother thoroughly including a digital, rectal examination may be regarded as negligent, especially where the baby has been delivered with the assistance of forceps.
A failure to repair any anal trauma, leading to on-going and debilitating symptoms, may justify a claim for compensation. Where the new mother is limited by her symptoms in the work she is able to undertake, or if she is unable to work at all, a successful claim can provide compensation for any loss of earnings caused by the medical negligence.
Speak to a solicitor
If you or a loved one are struggling with the life-changing impact of on-going bowel problems due to poor medical care of a birth tear, contact Glynns Solicitors today.
We are a specialist medical negligence legal practice with considerable expertise in birth tear compensation claims and one of our team of experienced solicitors will be very happy to talk to you.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.